End-2-End analytics in medical centers

End-2-End analytics in medical centers
Even alpacas can do it!

End to end analytics is the first step to any marketing analyses. It is widely used in more advanced (in terms of marketing) industries, like retail, for example. Actually, there it's a must. But in medical centers it can be rarely found. But that's what we do - we bring the best practice from other industries to healthcare field! And so should you=)

Dynamic call-tracking

Dynamic call-tracking is quite simple thing, but provides great results. So, how does it work?

  1. You buy several phone numbers (for medium sized center it's usually around 30-50). Amount of phone numbers depends on web site traffic and number of calls.
  2. You inject a code to your web site, that shows different numbers to site visitors (numbers are not linked to any specific source of traffic, only to a specific session).
  3. When patient calls you, system sees the calling number, then goes to web site, checks which session is currently linked to that number, then grabs the data about this specific session.
  4. Voila, the you have all data about the call!
  5. It also works with lead forms, chats etc.

From call tracking you can get over 40 parameters for each lead, from UTM, campaign and source to city and patient journey (all his interactions with your website)

As you see, it's pretty simple, and does not require too much effort. The bad thing is that there are no modern services here in Israel, or even in US. Surprisingly, Russian services are way more advanced, so we had to buy their technology and land it here in Israel, so now you could use it legally. Cost of dynamic call-tracking system for a medium sized outpatient clinic (up to 50 employees) is trending around 1000 NIS a month. Not very cheap, but you can save much more on ads optimization.

Incoming traffic analyses

So, when you have the first step - dynamic call-tracking - you can see where your leads are really coming from. Of course, you need this data to be integrated into your CRM system, otherwise it's moot.

At this point you can already see what ads are working, and what are not. But it's still binary - you can not get the picture of how much money does each ad give you. And it is pretty useless for a medical center. I will illustrate it on example that we had in my own medical center:

  1. We were getting leads for Complete Blood Count (CBC) for USD 15
  2. The blood test price was USD 10, and our cost was USD 2
  3. So, at this point we were loosing 10-15-2= USD 7 on each lead
  4. But then we took a look at LTV (Life Time Value), we saw, that average LTV for patients, that first came to this test, was over USD 1000! It was because patients discovered something, and then came for treatment.
  5. With an average margin rate of 35% we were making over USD 350 on each lead.

So, what did we do? We tried to get all the traffic for CBC no matter how much it would cost for us. Could we do it without call tracking, linked to LTV? Surely, no. Even the idea to promote a test worth 10 for 15 would sound crazy. And it's how E2E analytics can help you increase the efficiency of your medical center.

In the end

Yes, I'm a big fan of The Doors=) Of course, it takes a long journey to implement the proper E2E analytics to your medical practice. And it should be all integrated into your CRM and EMR simultaneously, and your system should be designed for it (like ours, ha-ha). When you've done it, you would get reports like this with one button:

Actual data from medical center, running on our system. As you can see, from here you can see all funnel. How many leads you got from each source, how many touches they've made, how many of them actually came to clinic, how much money did they pay on the first day, and what LTV did you get.

And even it is not the end. Then you can add here your expenses, and see the actual margin rate and absolute margin you made out of it. But it's a whole different story, I will tell you about it someday. After all, I didn't spent 5 years as a CFO in a medical center in vain=)