IMC - online booking

IMC - online booking
That's the way it should look

To my mind, online booking is a must in 2024. Somehow, most clinics in Israel obviously doesn't think so, because almost none of them have proper online booking=)

Why is it so important?

  • Conversion rate - when patient can view the slots for desired doctor, he can make a decision right away. Conversion rate from website to appointment in our cases rise on average 2x
  • Patient service level - patients love it, when they can make an appointment online without calling
  • Stand out from competition - patient is usually choosing between multiple clinics, and the one that will show him the slots right away gets a great advantage
  • Save money on call-center - some of our clinics had 50% of all appointments made online! Less operators, less costs.

But, besides from the importance to have it, it crucial to have it right. those points are learned through 10 years of doing online booking for dozens of clinics, and they matter:

  1. Show the slots right away! When patients gets to target page, you have to show available slots IMMIDEATELY. If you make it wrong way - choose insurance, specialty, enter name (like one of the biggest chains in Israel did) - well, you gonna get about 3x less number of online bookings. That has been tested on about hundred thousands of online bookings made.
  2. It has to reserve a slot directly in your EHR. No "we will call you back".
  3. It has to be foolproof, and take in account that the slots might have changed from the moment they were displayed to "make an appointment" button.

On the cover image is the screenshot from Israeli Medical Center's website, That's just about the way it should be done, and it's working great.

If you are looking for online booking - give us a call=)