Tel-Aviv Medical Center Case study (Part III - End-2-End analytics)

Tel-Aviv Medical Center Case study (Part III - End-2-End analytics)
Group picture of all the clinical managers in Israel, who could track the performance of their ads (prior to Alpaca)
If you have paranoia, it doesn't mean you are not being followed. Trust me, you are. And we are really good at it.

(Instructions for the members of League of Laziness - just scroll down to the picture below!)

What problem did Tel Aviv Medical Center (TAMC) have in the pre-alpaca age? The same one, that have all the medical centers, who are running paid ads of any kind:

  1. We have spent dozens of thouthands NIS on ads this month, how much money did we get from it? Not just number of leads and clicks, but money in the cash register? We want to know what campaigns and keywords work best and what are just a waste of money.
  2. Where do the calls come from? We can track lead forms (to some point), but don't know anything about the incoming calls
  3. We started a new ads campaign, is it working, or should we adjust something?
  4. Which part of our ads budget is spent on returning patients?

These are some of the most basic questions, each private clinic or hospital are asking themselves. If not - they should definitely fire their CMO=) The main concept is - to plan ads and make them more efficient, we have to rely on something. And the only thing that could help here is end-2-end marketing analytics.

TAMC are real geeks, and almost did get the answers with Excel and some dark magic (but spending huge amount of time), and now they can do it with one click.

Call tracking

So, first thing that helps us track the sources of your calls is call tracking. There are almost no solutions now in Israel (and most other countries) that provide full dynamic call tracking. By full dynamic call tracking I mean the technology, that allows you to clearly identify all the parameters of your calls, lead forms, WhatsApp messages etc. - UTM, campaign, city, keyword, and 33 others.

How does it work? A small script is placed on your website, that gives each visitor a unique phone number. That requires renting a pool of those numbers, depending on the traffic of your website. For 1000 unique users a day that would be around 17 numbers.

When patient calls, system maps the number he was calling at with session data - first and last source, refs, UTMs and others. So, here we got the info about where that call came from. But it's just the first part.

End-2-end analytics

There is no secret, that most clinics get most money not from just from first visit, but from patient coming over and over again. God, if people had to pay only for the first visit, nobody would have been afraid of going to doctors!

That's why getting the source of your calls and leads is just the first step. You have to integrate it inside your system to see the whole patient journey - from click or call to LTV (Life Time Value, amount of money patient has spent in your clinic). The only right way to measure your ads performance is by looking at your marketing budget versus LTV. Number of leads from some source is just a vanilla analytics, that don't give you any real idea of what works and what doesn't.


Here is the picture that would explain everything. That's a real daily statistics on Touches (including calls, messages, lead form etc.):

Real picture of leads statistics. Blurred due to NDA.

So, what do you get from it (except multiple orgasms, if you are a CMO)? You know certainly:

  1. How many people contacted you from each ads source (including campaign, UTM, keyword, city etc.)
  2. What services they were interested in
  3. How many of them made an appointment
  4. How many of them showed
  5. How many of them where cancelled and why
  6. How much did they pay directly from your ad
  7. What is their LTV

One more funny thing about LTV - when I had a clinic of my own, we've spent 50 USD CAC to get one patient for Complete Blood Count, that had a price of about 14 USD. Why? Because average LTV from that patients was over 1 000 USD.

You can't get this data without real End-2-End analytics. But someone who has it - can, and that means he will always be ahead of you in advertising.

I hope you got the picture of what is an E2E analytics, and why it is so important. So, give us a call. Or your competitors will=)